Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, met with Ilkley MP Robbie Moore
Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, met with Ilkley MP Robbie Moore (left)

“Let’s mirror Ilkley’s bathing water status success”: Andrew Jones MP

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, met with Ilkley MP Robbie Moore on the River Wharfe in Ilkley this week. The meeting was to discuss the factors that made Ilkley’s bathing water status application two years ago a success when some more recent applications have failed.

The site, at the Cromwheel on the Wharfe in Ilkley, was given bathing water status in 2021. The approval followed months of preparation by Ilkley Clean River Group backed my Mr Moore. Useage of the area was monitored between May and September and the data supplied to DEFRA who assessed and then approved the application.

Andrew is leading the campaign to designate the Lido on the River Nidd in Knaresborough as bathing water. Achieving the status means that the Environment Agency monitor pollution levels at the site and formulate a plan to improve the quality of the river.

Andrew Jones MP said:

It was good to meet Robbie to talk about how the Cromwheel application was done and I think there are some key learnings we can use to replicate that success for the Lido. Specifically we must demonstrate high levels of use at the Lido over late spring and early summer. So we need a comprehensive record of swimming activity, fishing, paddling, picknicking and any other activities. This means a big effort monitoring usage and that will require a lot of volunteers.


Robbie added:

I know from our experience that getting bathing water status isn’t easy and I know Andrew and his team, alongside community groups, are putting a lot of time and resource into this. And we have to remember that achieving the status is only the first step. That’s when the Environment Agency, water companies, farmers and the community need to get behind the plan to improve water quality and make it happen.

If you want to volunteer to support the bathing quality application you can do so by emailing Andrew on andrew.jones.mp@parliament.uk and a member of his team will contact you to discuss how you can help.

Alternatively you can complete the online form here or at https://forms.gle/CG3kCtV3cRymk7q69.

1 Comment

  1. Why did he vote against the measures to toughen up the rules against dumping sewage into our waterways?

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