Keith Tordoff PFCC
Keith Tordoff

Keith Tordoff: Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner should be non-political role

13 April 2021

The independent Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Keith Tordoff has said that the role should not be a roll with any political affiliation.

Philip Allot is standing on behalf of the Conservative Party, Alison Hume the Labour Party and James Barker the Liberal Democrats.

Keith Tordoff said:

The role needs to free of any political party affiliations. Being represented on behalf of a party means that as commissioner they also answers to the party, so that creates an imbalance in undertaking the role.

It’s a role that broadly sits between the police and the public, but it is a role that is not clearly understood by the public.

But a political candidate will always work along party-lines, and that isn’t what the role needs – I will deliver based on what is right for the police and for the public.

He started his career with West Yorkshire Police in the 1970’s and over a 20-year career served as a beat officer, CID, firearms and on the Peter Sutcliffe serial killer case. He left with exemplary service record and took a roll with the Bank of Scotland, working to stop fraud. That was a roll that lasted 10-years. Many will know him for the sweet shop in Pateley Bridge, a business that was initially run by his wife.

Keith said:

We bought the sweet shop 20-years ago and developed the business from a small sweet shop to a busy shop and a strong online brand.

I don’t think a PFCC has to have a policing background, but having that understanding is extremely helpful, but  the role also needs business skills aswell.

It’s wrong to over-promise plans as to what you would do if elected, you really need to be in-post to fully understand what is possible and I would aim to put a plan out with the first 60-days of being in office.

Keith Tordoff has published a manifesto, but is particularly concerned around police numbers and the loss of many buildings in the police estate. The reduction of

Talking about the buildings estate and resource, Keith Tordoff said:

Resources and training are of course a vital part of an organisation such as North Yorkshire Police.

In England we have seen a reduction of 20,000 officers and 23,000 support staff since 2010. Although we are now seeing a recruitment drive, it is likely that we have lost many of the more experienced officers, those that have a deep understanding of the role. There is a risk that we will have those recruited won’t have sufficient experience.

Everything needs to be looked at afresh as we are playing catch-up on police numbers.

Crime Commissioner elections will take place on the 6 May 2021.



  1. Police crime and fire commissioners along with Mayors that the public did not really want, are an expensive bureaucrasy allowing waffle and distraction. We need an end to these types of office.

  2. There have been several high profile instances where both the police and fire service have mis-managed events. When an organisation investigates its own issues there is a natural tendency to have a siege mentality to criticism. A truly independent Police and Fire commissioner can oversee that any investigation is conducted in a fair manner with meaningful aims and objectives. This role should be above party politics and on this precept alone three of the candidates have in my mind eliminated themselves from the running. Geoff. Bentham

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