Chloe McEwen in 1920s themed eco dress at Miss England finals
Chloe McEwen in 1920s themed eco dress at Miss England finals

Harrogate’s Chloe McEwen narrowly misses out on Miss England glory

21 May 2024

Harrogate’s Chloe McEwen narrowly misses out on Miss England glory and showcases stunning new looks at finals.

  • Miss Yorkshire Chloe, 22, came fifth out of 40 contestants at the event won by Milla Magee, 23, who became the first ever size 16 Miss England;
  • Chloe, a former size 14 herself who lost weight after becoming a personal fitness instructor, praised the winner and said the result sent a powerful message about empowerment;
  • She will carry on working as model as well campaigning on mental health issues after she suffered a breakdown while still at school

Miss Yorkshire Chloe McEwen in her 1920s eco dress made from recycled silk at Miss England finals

Harrogate’s Chloe McEwen narrowly missed out on Miss England glory and showcased a series of stunning new looks at the finals.

Chloe McEwen on stage at Miss England final
Chloe McEwen on stage at Miss England final

Miss Yorkshire Chloe, 22, came fifth out of 40 contestants at the event won by Miss Newquay Milla Magee, 23, who became the first ever size 16 Miss England.

Chloe, a former size 14 herself who lost weight after becoming a personal fitness instructor, praised the winner and said the result sent a powerful message about empowerment.

Chloe said:

Having been plus size myself in the past, I am delighted by the fact that you don’t need to have the stereotypical slim figure to win a beauty pageant.

I think this result will be empowering to women of all shapes and sizes and shows how Miss England has modernised and evolved over the last few years.


Chloe showcased a number of new looks at the finals which were held at the Grand Station in Wolverhampton.

For the eco round she wore a 1920s-style blue dress made of recycled silk with a fake fur shawl and vintage accessories, and she looked stunning in lilac and silver ball gowns.

She also wore a black dress from the Prom Den in Brighouse run by mum-of-two and entrepreneur Donna Gadd, who Chloe has been modelling for since last year.

Contestants had to submit a barefaced image of them without make-up as part of the pageant’s more modern format.

Chloe will continue to work as a model as well as campaigning on mental health issues. She now works as a volunteer for the charity Mind In Harrogate.

Chloe said:

It was so important for me to share my mental health journey at the Miss England finals which were held in Mental Health Awareness Week.

I am passionate about inspiring and helping to lift people’s mental health, not only through fitness, of course, but through many other tools that have helped me find peace and happiness along the way.

Chloe suffered a breakdown while still at school aged 16 and was sectioned in psychiatric hospitals.

Fitness and mindfulness including meditation and a healthy lifestyle have helped her turn her life around and, following her recovery, she has embarked on a successful career as a Level 3 personal trainer.

Chloe, who shares her modelling images as well as fitness tips on her Instagram account @ChloeMcEwen8, has previously shared pictures of herself when she was a size 14 and almost four stone heavier to show how you can turn your life around with a healthy diet and exercise.

As part of her Miss England campaign, Chloe raised almost £4,000 for charity – £2,288 for Balls To Cancer and £1,702 for Mind In Harrogate.

Chloe is working on a new book giving tips based on her own experience on how to recover after being released from psychiatric hospitals which is aimed at anyone struggling with their mental health. She is planning to work with brands which make improving mental health a priority.

Chloe added:

My advice to anyone going through a tough time is that life works in equal balance of bad and good. Without rain, you cannot appreciate the sun. Through challenges come growth, strength and lessons. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

She has been supported in her Miss England campaign by Out As Humans, the live on-demand show created by entrepreneur Gerardo Segat which aims to humanize authentic leaders.

Chloe is working with Segat to create her own show to help people struggling with their mental health.

Segat said:

Chloe represents our values of authenticity and humanity and we would be delighted to create an Out As Humans show for her to inspire leaders around the world.


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