Harrogate Theatre Choir raises funds for Boroughbridge Community Charity

13 May 2024

Harrogate Theatre Choir recently performed their concert ‘THE SOUND OF MUSICALS’ in Boroughbridge. It was a well-attended event and HTC Chair, Andrew Forsyth was delighted to hand over a donation of £200 to Boroughbridge Community Charity. This local charity exists to support residents and communities in the rural market town of Boroughbridge and its 32 surrounding villages.

HTC Chair, Andrew Forsyth presenting the donation cheque to BCC Deputy Manager, Barbara Cleeland and Admin Assistant, Sue Robson

General Manager, Karen Parker, said:

The choir’s kind donation will help us and our team of wonderful volunteers to deliver our many services to those in need within our community. We really appreciate their support and hope to welcome them again in Boroughbridge.

The concert was part of the choir’s ‘SOUND OF MUSICALS’ tour, which is seeing them take their music to some of the busy and thriving towns and villages beyond Harrogate this year.

Chair, Andrew Forsyth said:

We plan to raise funds for local charities that are important to the towns or villages in which we are performing” HTC have two further concerts planned this year:

RIPLEY TOWN HALL on Saturday 13 July 2024
OTLEY COURTHOUSE on Sunday 20 October 2024

You can have a taster of Harrogate Theatre Choir’s concert by going along to their Pop-Up Mini Concert on THURSDAY 23 MAY 2024 7.45 – 8.45 pm at the United Reformed Church, West Park, Harrogate.

All are welcome and ENTRY IS FREE. Donations for the Church will be welcomed.

More information on all these events can be found at https://harrogatetheatrechoir.co.uk/events/

  • Harrogate Theatre Choir was founded in 2010
  • HTC is the longest established Theatre Choir in the UK
  • HTC is a mixed SATB choir
  • Musical Director is Catherine Field-Leather
  • HTC put on their own concerts in Harrogate and surrounding areas and are also available for private functions
  • Debut album released October 2020

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