Initial local reaction on the second lockdown

The government have announced a further England-wide lockdown.

  • From Thursday, 5 November 2020
  • For a period of 4 weeks (3 December to re-open)
  • People are being told to stay at home unless they have a specific reason to leave, such as work
  • Allowed to leave home for exercise medical reasons, food and other essential shopping and
  • Allowed to provide care for vulnerable people or for volunteering
  • Meeting indoors or in private gardens will not be allowed
  • Pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops will have to close
  • Schools, colleges, nurseries and universities can stay open
  • Can meet one other person from another household outside in a public place
  • Furlough job retention scheme to be extended for the period the lockdown
  • Construction sites and manufacturing workplaces can remain open
  • Can still  form support bubbles
  • Children can move between homes if their parents are separated
  • Clinically vulnerable people are asked to be “especially careful” but people are not being asked to resume shielding

An initial reaction has shown disagreement with the decision, support and concern it will have for local retail coming up to the key Christmas spending period. The extension to the Furlough scheme has been broadly welcomed.

Stephen Teggin, Knaresborough Chamber of Trade said:

Obviously this is a massive blow to all Knaresborough traders particularly the 9 new shops that have opened recently.

However if the government give some kind of support again and we have good months trading before Xmas and the local community makes the effort to safely support shopping locally they might be in a reasonable place to start the new year.

It’s down to the community spending locally in December.


Joseph Ferraro, owner of Joseph Ferraro Hair:

I think the government have lost all sight on what the general public need and the affect this will have on all of us will far out way the actual virus itself.


Claire Thomas owner of Wharefdale Grange (reopening this week as also a restaurant) said:

I am absolutely gutted!

However, we will be opening on Tuesday and Wednesday for a final hurrah before December opening!


Stewart Moss, Group Director of sales,Cedar Court Hotel said:

Despite our obvious disappointment at having to adapt and limit our offering yet again, we remain resolutely confident in our own Covid-safe procedures and that we’ll see better days again in the run up to Christmas.

For now as we look towards another difficult month, we are truly happy to see the extension of the furlough scheme and hope to see the issuing of more support packages for our industry nationwide.


Paul Kinsey, Managing Director of Harewood Entertainment (Viper Rooms Harrogate) said:

It had a feel of inevitability about it. The reality is it not going affect us further as we’ve been closed since March anyway.

But it does look like a compromise solution if schools and colleges are still open though.

Ironically I’ve been selling off a lot of bar equipment from my lock up and every buyer had been someone building their own pub in their gardens!

Julie from Harrogate said:

I’m not surprised at all, it was coming and needed to be done.

If it isn’t done, the NHS will be crippled.. we need a break to help them and try to slow down the spread situation.


Sharon Colgan, co-owner of Blues Bar, Empress and Worlds End, said:

It was inevitable – our government has been forced into this.

Just last week I was talking to a head nurse for a covid ward in Manchester I asked her are you afraid she said not in the slightest we now know how to treat this.

She told me that in March it went 2 ways, one way to die one way to be incubated.

Now it’s a course of antibiotics and the HIV drug that will suppress the immune system and most people going  home 2 days later.

My Partner contracted covid only 4-weeks ago he was told to self-isolate, but given no medication – that’s just wrong everyone and I believe everyone who tests positive should be given this medication then they just might not ever have to get to the stage of hospital.


Sue Kramer, Crown Jewellers of Harrogate said:

The announcement of the second lockdown will have a devastating impact on so many businesses, which is absolutely heartbreaking.

On Commercial Street, all our 20+ shops are independently owned, and the majority will be forced to close, causing immense upset, frustration and worry.

For many in retail, November marks the start of the vital Christmas trading period, so removing the opportunity to ‘shop local’ is a nightmare.

When shops do reopen, with only 3 weeks or so to Christmas, there is a real threat that in the meantime consumers may feel they have little choice but to turn to internet shopping.

Having just established our retailers group to promote our unique street, we will continue to look the future as positively as we can, and now plan to attract both visitors and locals to come back to Harrogate and Commercial Street as soon as they can.


Julia Mulligan, North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said:

After months of sacrifices for residents and businesses across North Yorkshire and York, it is clearly disappointing that there is a need for even tighter restrictions and I know the pain and worry they will cause for so many.

As in the spring, I know that communities will come together supported by their emergency services who will engage and encourage and only enforce as a last resort. Please help our brave frontline officers and staff who are there to protect us – but they can only do that if we all abide by the rules.


  1. I completely agree with Joseph Ferraro on this, the reaction from the government is far more disruptive and devastating than the virus itself.

    Are things actually going to open on December 2? Fat chance! This is going to be extended a lot longer, that’s Christmas (most important time of the year for retail obviously) wiped out, and subsequently most of Harrogate town centre will be boarded up forever. I do feel bad for anyone involved in running a shop or hospitality business as the future is incredibly bleak, by Spring the only things left in the town will be supermarkets, and possibly some high quality “phone & vape” outlets.

  2. Unfortunately it was always going to happen , anyone been to a local supermarket lately, absolutely little or no social distancing going on anywhere, if people remember in April we had orderly que’s forming outside shops , people being given sanitiser, trolleys wiped.
    The reason for this second lockdown lies with both the greedy shop owners and us as people. The covid secure places trumped up by the government and owners of retail units is something which sounds fantastic but when you actually delve into it little or nothing is really going on.
    Look at the people gathered outside Tesco every night the pub closes, a Tesco which got rid of its cleaners during the pandemic so there own staff could clean the stores. If central or local government actually policed these businesses and there procedures to begin with this lockdown may not have happened.
    The high street was nearly finished before Covid , this has just sped it along.
    Shop online, it’s Covid free, a dam site cheaper and a much more effective service.

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