Secret of Hartwith Hill

Lockdown writing of Children’s book raising money for Candelighters

23 September 2020

Many will know Joe Bothamley as the drummer in local Kasiuss, but during lockdown he has also taken to writing with a children’s story book.

The story is about a Stoat called Stevie who lives on the side of a hill and is afraid of storms.

The book can be bought online at and is raising money for Candlelighters.

Joe said:

I’ve written a children’s story book to raise money for the amazing Leeds-based children’s cancer charity Candlelighters.

It’s my first attempt at writing a children’s book and I did it during lockdown when I wasn’t able to work- I’m usually a painter and decorator and I also play drums in bands and have toured all over the UK. We played some major festivals like Leeds and Reading.

My Dad was diagnosed with cancer last year and I really wanted to raise some money to support a cancer charity, and with it being a children’s book Candlelighters is perfect and they need so much support right now.

I’ve raised over £2000 in the first few days of selling the book, the response has been overwhelming!

I’ve received retweet’s from Phil Hay who also ordered the book, and recenlty appeared on BBC Radio Leeds.

Joe was supported by Kate Simpson and Fiona Odle did the graphics.

Joe has also put together a video:

Head of Fundraising and Marketing at Candlelighters, Leanne Windell, said:

We’re touched that Joe has chosen to support Candlelighters in such a lovely and unique way. The coronavirus pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on our fundraising and we expect to lose £865,000 this year.

It has been an incredibly difficult time for families affected by childhood cancer and it is crucial that no matter what, we continue to support them, to ensure they are not facing these challenging times alone.

Joe has made such a vital contribution to this effort and we are very thankful.

You can order the book at or

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