Harrogate police

Police ask for information after man found deceased on the side a road near Knaresborough

Officers responded to initial reports of what was believed to be a collision after a man was found collapsed at the side of the road. Sadly the man was pronounced dead at the scene. It was reported at 8.48am on the morning of Saturday 9 May 2020.

The location was on Farnham Lane between Boroughbridge Road and Farnham village, although Borougbridge Road was closed for a short period of time.

Farnham Lane, Harrogate, England, United Kingdom

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident but at this stage there is no suggestion any vehicle has been involved and no suspicious circumstances.

A post mortem is due to be carried out to establish the cause of the man’s death which will help to inform further inquiries.

Anyone who saw a man who was wearing a distinctive camouflage type rucksack and walking or running along Farnham Lane on Saturday morning should call North Yorkshire Police on 101, press option two and pass information for Traffic Sergeant Andy Morton.

Or email Andrew.morton@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk  please quote incident number 97 of 9 May.

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