A new Pork Belly Vindaloo proved its power, days before being added to the official menu of an Indian street food restaurant.
Restaurant owner, Alison White took matters into her own hands to bring on the birth of her first baby. Four days overdue with medical intervention not having brought on labour – she joined in tasting trials and went into labour just a few hours later.

Alison, owner of The Cat’s Pyjamas, which opened recently in Albert Street, was testing the vindaloo as part of a new menu roll out and as research as she was just about to launch a promotion to offer overdue mums-to-be free vindaloo, to help bring on their labour.
Feisty entrepreneur Alison was getting frustrated being overdue, as she juggled new restaurant openings with expecting going into labour, and she just wanted to ‘get it done!’

Back to work, just 5 days after giving birth, she said:
We’ve all heard the old wives tale of curry bringing on labour – and naturally I was curious due to the business I’m in. I was fed up of being pregnant and just wanted to get on with work – I was expanding the business at the same time as my waistline was expanding and I worked right up to going into hospital.
The tasting was just another day in the office – and we had decided to roll to the vindaloo offering it for free to all overdue mums to be.
I was our first customer, and 6 hours later I was in the hospital, a proud mum to our little girl, thanks to our new vindaloo! It’s quite fitting really as I am a workaholic, so it makes sense that this is how my labour would happen.
Eating spicy curry is thought to stimulate the bowel and so encourage contractions in the nearby uterus.
Elsie Baron was born weighing 8lb 5ounces to Alison and partner Paul, owner of fast food chain, I am Donner.
The Pork Belly Vindaloo is now available for free, for overdue mums-to-be in the Harrogate and York restaurants (terms and conditions apply).
The Cat’s Pyjamas is an expanding independent Indian street food chain describing itself as ‘the best Indian street food this side of Delhi’, and a favourite of food critic Jay Rayner.