The public is being invited to a “meet the contractor’’ event to learn more about the final design and construction plans for the new road layout at the Bond End junction in Knaresborough.
North Yorkshire County Council is urging people to go along to Knaresborough House, Knaresborough on Tuesday 14 August. The contractor, which will be confirmed this week, and council officers will be available from 2pm to 7pm to discuss the scheme, which is designed to address air quality concerns.
The junction was identified as an Air Quality Management Area in Harrogate Borough Council’s Air Quality Action Plan in 2013. The annual target for nitrogen dioxide, which mostly comes from traffic pollution, had been exceeded. A key action was to improve the junction to address the issue of queuing traffic.

Earlier this year, North Yorkshire County Council approved plans to replace the traffic lights at the junction with two mini roundabouts. The plan also includes four new zebra crossings. Since March, designers have been conducting surveys to ensure a safe scheme can be delivered and the council held a public “meet the designers” event in June. Work is scheduled to start on 10 September and last for ten weeks.
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County Councillor Don Mackenzie, executive member for highways, said:
The new layout aims to reduce the number of queuing vehicles, thereby improving air quality for residents and all people who use the junction. This event provides a good opportunity to view the final design in detail.
County Councillor Zoe Metcalfe, member for Knaresborough and chair of the Bond End Steering Group, which represents the county, borough and town councils, said:
I would urge as many residents as possible to go along to this meeting to see the final design and discuss the construction proposals and timetable.
The work is part of a programme of schemes funded from the Government’s National Productivity Investment Fund, a £5.1m sum secured by the county council to improve local roads and public transport.