Local businesses can learn how to shape their digital future at a free event in Harrogate next month featuring Google’s Digital Garage.
‘Faster Better Business’, which takes place on Thursday 3 September 2015 in the Queen’s Suite of Harrogate International Centre, aims to help businesses and charities learn crucial skills for the digital age and use the power of the internet to boost their organisations’ activities.
At the event, organised by Harrogate Borough Council, as well as being able to get a tune-up from Google’s Digital Garage, businesses will have an opportunity to meet local broadband suppliers to discuss ways of upgrading their connection.
Experts will be on hand to show how an enhanced online presence can reach new customers and how a faster and better broadband connection can increase efficiency.
Organisations such the LEP Skills Service which helps businesses to develop their workforce, and Superfast North Yorkshire, will be available to offer advice and there will be plenty of networking opportunities.
Throughout the day Google’s Digital Garage will be holding a number of master classes. These include:
- ‘Tell Your Story Online’ – how to make your website shine and the importance of measuring success and
- ‘Reach New Customers Online’ – how to make your business more visible online so that new customers can find you.
Faster Better Business also provides an opportunity to join the 160+ businesses in the Harrogate district who have already received grants of up to £3,000 to upgrade to faster, better broadband through the Connection Voucher Scheme.
Cllr Graham Swift is Harrogate Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Tourism, Economic Development and Enterprise.
Cllr Swift said:
It’s been estimated that the average UK business will need 10 times their current broadband bandwidth within the next five years.
By supporting access to higher broadband speeds and better use of IT the council can help local businesses become more competitive and help create more employment opportunities in key growth sectors.
That in turn helps us with one of our key priorities as a council – to ensure a strong local economy, and all the benefits that brings to the people who live, work and spend their leisure time in the district.
Faster Better Business has been deliberately designed to be as flexible as possible so businesses can drop in when they can, for as long as they can – whether that’s for five minutes or the whole four hours.
Whether a sole trader working from home or a bigger company with a few hundred employees, I would urge local businesses to take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to future-proof their broadband connections and learn from the very best in the field about how to shape a successful digital future.
To find out more about Faster Better Business contact Harrogate Borough Council’s Economic Development Team on 01423 556546
You can register for Faster Better Business at www.fasterbetterbusiness.eventbrite.co.uk