Allerton Waste Recovery Park decision notice

wasteFollowing the Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee’s resolution to grant planning permission for the development on 30 October 2012, confirmation was received from the Secretary of State on 30 January 2013 that the application should be determined at the local level and is not to be called in. The Section 106 Agreement has now been completed and the decision notice has been issued.

The county council will now finalise the final contract with AmeyCespa. Members will then be asked to consider the contract and confirm that the project remains affordable. This is likely to take some weeks or months.

If members agree to go ahead, AmeyCespa can start to build the waste treatment facility. The AWRP is expected to be operational from mid-2016.

In December 2010 members of North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council awarded a 25 year contract for the management of waste in North Yorkshire and York to AmeyCespa.

At its meeting on 30 October 2012 North Yorkshire County Council’s Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Business and Environmental Services on AmeyCespa’s planning application for Allerton Waste Recovery Park and voted to approve the application. They also agreed with the report’s recommendation that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government should be consulted on the application and the committee’s decision.

The technologies include mechanical sorting and reclamation of around 20,000 tonnes per year of recyclable materials left in the waste which arrives at the facility; Anaerobic Digestion (AD) to treat food waste and produce green electricity; and Energy from Waste (incineration). The proposed location for this facility is Allerton Quarry and landfill next to the A1M near Harrogate.

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