An evening of Remembrance at Harrogate Grammar School

21 November 2019

On the 11 November Harrogate Grammar School students offered an Evening of Remembrance to the public focused on ‘Remembering Together’. The evening began with the Key Stage 3 Drama Club sharing their thoughts on war and our school REACH (Respect, Excellence, Adventure, Commitment, Honesty) Values. This was followed by a breath-taking rendition of ‘No Man’s Land’ on the clarinet by year 13 A Level Music student, Hannah Shimwell.

They were then introduced to the year 12 A Level Drama students who have been exploring Anna Jordan’s play ‘The Unreturning’ of which two extracts were performed. The senior choir followed with a moving version of amazing Grace.

A new addition to this year’s remembrance was a break away at this point where the audience were invited to take a remembrance tour. The tour explored what students in Modern Foreign languages (MFL), English, Art and Design, Food Science and Nutrition and Humanities have been learning linked to remembrance. This included remembrance in France, making 3D poppies, war poetry and remembering the fallen from Harrogate Grammar School, from different faiths and the geography of conflict.

The students spoke passionately about their process and inspired the public to do the same in their activities. After returning to the hall, we had a further performance of ‘The Unreturning’ followed by two year 9 boys singing ‘We’ll Meet Again’. The year 11 boys performed a poignant extract from Blackadder Goes Forth followed by the senior choir singing ‘For the Fallen’.

Alongside the performances sat a truly stunning art installation of the ‘poppy dress’ which draped down the stage into rows of fallen poppies, this amazing artwork was created by year 7 students. Mr. Renton read ‘In Flanders Fields’ whilst a slide show of images, showing how the dress was made, played. The evening concluded with Hannah Shimwell playing ‘The Last Post’.

A wonderful evening that the audience delighted in, donations on the door and for the year 8 cooking club’s Anzac biscuits, were well-received and given to The Royal British Legion.

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