Managing your emails from

17 February 2011 is unique in the area in being linked to other social media sites. This means that once a news story is posted to the main website it is also tweeted, then posted to facebook and LinkedIN.

This is to just advise you how to managed any you have subscribed to so you get the right level of email updates.

Email subscription

If you subscribe  directly from the main news website (you just enter an email in the box on the bottom right) then you will receive a single daily email with links to the news items posted that day.

Once you subscribe you can easily un-subscribe by clicking on a link at the bottom of the update email.


News stories are also posted to the Facebook Group  – see the group here

By default you will not get an email update of a posting being made to the Facebook but they will appear in your news feed. To stop them appearing in your news feed you would need to unsubcribe from the facebook group although you can still view the group at any time. Some news items also get posted in users facebook pages eg if they are the author of the story.


Twitter only sends an email when you receive a direct message from somebody rather than just a new tweet.


You can change the emails you receive from as they news items are posted, daily or weekly.

If you click on the harrogate-news group and then select “more” which is the tab on the right and “settings” you can change the frequency of updates.

By default you will receive an email as a news item is posted, so you may want to change that setting.

if you would like any further advice then please email

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