Hookstone Woods

Plans put forward to develop site near to Hookstone Woods

24 January 2024

ZC23/04392/FUL – Harrogate Harrogate Sports And Fitness Centre Hookstone Wood Track – Erection of two covered padel tennis courts; installation of parking area for up to 80 days of the year.

Comments can be made against this planning application:

See https://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do?action=firstPage

or by email planningcomments.har@northyorks.gov.uk





The application:

The application is to build on land that is owned by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society (YAS), on land that is currently used as car parking.

The area has a Scout Hut, and and the existing racket club building, and courts. It is also often used for disabled parking during events such as the Yorkshire Show.

The plans are to build two covered courts on the opposite side of the car park from where the racket club currently is, that is near to the scout hut.

There would be an access walkway linking the new courts to the main buildings.

There is a field accessed from the Sustrans path (The Coach Road), behind the scout hut that would be used for parking for up to 80 days a year.

Questions that arise from the application:

There has been no engagement from the applicant, the landowner or the agent with the media, any local residents, or conservation groups.  Although a meeting with us was initially offered, it was rescinded a few days later.

The plans would develop further traffic along a residential access road, with the courts open up until 10pm at night. The plans also show an access route to the West of Fishers School, along a bridal way, and then the Sustran cycling path.

The racket club has actively encouraged its members to comment on the planning application.

The courts would create noise, effecting the enjoyment of visitors and likely have a negative impact on the the adjacent council-owned land, Hookstone Woods (an area of ancient woodland). The noise would also likely have an impact on the nature present.

Plans appear to show access to circle the ponds in Hookstone Woods, a popular walking route, removed on the south-side of the pond, the layout is not fully clear.

The ecological assessment commissioned by the applicant is a desk study only. This means the impact on Hookstone Woods is not clear.

It is not clear why the additional courts are located away from the main site of the club, particularly if it forms part of a longer term plan to develop the site.


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