Keith Tordoff MBE is standing again for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner role for North Yorkshire.
Voting will take place on the 25 November 2021.
Keith Tordoff is an independent candidate, meaning that he is financing the campaign himself and is not tied to any political party and the agenda of that party.
As an independent candidate he is running an impressive campaign, and engaging with the public, and working hard to understand what issues are important to them.
From a reporting balance, we have found it very difficult to engage with many of the candidates.
Perhaps this explains the situation:
- Keith Tordoff has worked very actively worked with the press
- Awaiting a date for an interview with the Conservative Party candidate, Zoe Metcalfe
- No contact received back from the Labour Party candidate, Emma Scott-Spivey
- Hannah Barham-Brown, Women’s Equality Party, has agreed to an interview later this week
- James Barker, Libdem, has agreed to an interview later this week