Approach to Hammerton Station

Views wanted on new settlement in Hammerton/Cattal area of the Harrogate District

Last night (7 October), the Harrogate Borough Council cabinet approved a consultation to seek resident’s views on the proposed new settlement development plan document (DPD).

The adopted local plan identifies a broad location for a new settlement in the Green Hammerton and Cattal area of the Harrogate district.

This new settlement, of approximately 3,000 dwellings, will provide homes as well as facilities and services such as green space, employment and public transport.

As part of this, the DPD will help shape the design and delivery of the new settlement.

The borough council are asking for views on whether residents agree with this vision for the new settlement as well as what specific requirements are needed to deliver these much needed new homes.

Councillor Rebecca Burnett, Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet member for planning, said:

The DPD will establish the boundary and nature of the new settlement, including how people will move around, the types of homes it will offer as well as design and infrastructure requirements.

When completed, the DPD will form part of the development plan for the Harrogate district and will be used to determine applications for planning permission.

It is vitally important that local communities are involved in shaping the new settlement, both to minimise negative impacts on existing communities and ensure we deliver an exemplar development that is an attractive and healthy place to live.

We’re keen to get the views of those who live and work in the area, as well as future residents, so will be sending a leaflet to some 6,000 residents as well as publicising the consultation as much as possible on our social media channels.

This feedback will help us shape the new settlement into a vibrant new community.

Residents can find out more about the proposed new settlement and complete the consultation via our website at: from Monday 19 October.

1 Comment

  1. Hello. It is with total disbelief that Harrogate B .C thinks that there people out there queuing up to buy these properties. What with the developments going on in Borobridge , Knaresborough. Harrogate. Killinghall, Burton Leonard, Little Ribston. Allerton Park etc etc . I think enough is enough. Lets take a step back and view what the effect on the District as a hole will be. Close the loop holes in the local plan and batten down the hatches.
    Regards C.Henry

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