The Emergency Department at Harrogate Hospital are holding a fundraising ball.
It’s on the 19 October 2018 and at the new refurbished Majestic Hotel. The ball was first run in 2016 when it raised over £6,000 allowing them to buy a cardiac monitoring machine.
Due to the amount of work needed to organise, they took 2017 off, but are now back again this year.
SR Julia Silson said:
It’s looking like it will be a great evening and the Majestic will make a perfect setting.
Already we have had some great support from individuals and local businesses – that means we have some fantastic prizes on the night.
It’s great to have the donations, but now we need further support with more ticket sales.
Like all Emergency Departments, they are coming under increasing pressure, especially during the winter months.
Dr Matt Shepherd said:
As a doctor in the Emergency Department there will always be many things on my wish-list of things to spend donations on.
The money raised will be put to good use within the department. But we are looking at a specialist scanner that will speed up diagnosis at the bed side.
We are also looking at a paediatric infusion pump that would allow greater continuity with the children’s ward and some modifications to the resus room to make it work better.
For further details email
To buy tickets
For details on the event, including all the supporters
To just make a donation

SR Julia Silson said:
We have set the tickets at a fairly keen price of £45, that includes a welcome drink, a three course meal and entertainments.
You don’t need to be part of the hospital or know anyone in the Emergency Department to go. It’s just about a great night out and supporting the department.
There will be an auction on the night, with many great items, a string quartet, professional event photography that people can download for free after the event, but mainly it’s just fun night out.