Tri-hards take on the Yorkshire Warrior in aid of Marie Curie aiming to raised over a thousand pound for a charity they all love.
Team members: Tim Speight, Alison Philpott, Kerry Prendergast, Yvonne Swires have embraced the triathlon event in efforts to raise awareness and much needed funds for their favourite local charity Marie Curie.
Yorkshire Warrior takes place from 9am on Sunday, 16 September 2018 at Ripley Castle.
Tim said:
People should sponsor us as this is for an excellent cause. I know myself and Alison have both been deeply affected by Cancer. Just the smallest amount of help is great, and the response, backing and inspiration from everyone has been fantastic, and I am sure will continue during the event.
Marie Curie do fantastic work for everyone affected by terminal illness. This includes all distant family, and this work continues for a long time, not just in the very dark days, but with help and understanding for years to come.
Gemma Hewitt, Community Fundraiser for Marie Curie added:
Over the years, I’ve seen all kinds of amazing fundraising events and challenges. Triathlons are not easy, I am so impressed with the groups dedication to raise money and they’re really challenging themselves. A huge thank you from everyone at Marie Curie Yorkshire.
If you would like to make a donation then please visit
Marie Curie relies on the support of people like Alison, Tim, Kerry and Yvonne and is calling on more locals to get involved so the charity can continue caring for people living with a terminal illness. Please visit Marie Curie to find out more about joining your local fundraising group, staging an event, volunteering or taking part in a challenge like a sponsored trek.

Speaking to Tim Speight
What inspired you?
For me it was the need for a lifestyle change. To get fit and healthy, so I set the warrior as a goal to aim for.
How do you know each other?
Pub!! No, we all at some time , lived in Pateley Bridge. Myself and Alison became very very good friends around the time her father was ill. I was going through a rough time and we were always there for each other, and we still are, always will be, like a little sister. The others is just a case of seeing each other around the town and I have known Yvonne a long time.
Have you been training?
Because of job commitments and each individuals different needs, we are all training separately, some more than most! For me it is an on going thing, I will keep training long after. As for Alison, well, I think she has entered every event in Yorkshire for the next 6 months!
Why should people sponsor you?
People should sponsor us as this is for an excellent cause. I know myself and Alison have both been deeply affected by Cancer, and Alison in particular is very involved with the Marie Curie Charity. Just the smallest amount of help is great, and the response, backing and inspiration from everyone has been fantastic, and I am sure will continue during the event.
What will you do to celebrate?
Sleep! We have all made some sacrifices to try and get fit for this event. Giving up certain foods, drink, time off work, treats, getting out and about to spread the word, and so many people have been involved in the background, one way or another, I think we will have a bit of a party with all our friends and followers, maybe a shandy or 2!
Why are Marie Curie Important?
The fantastic work they do for everyone affected by terminal illness. This includes all distant family, and this work continues for a long time, not just in the very dark days, but with help and understanding for years to come.