A popular green space in Harrogate could be lost if plans go through to build a battery energy storage facility.
Harrogate Borough Council has received a planning application for the installation and operation of a battery energy storage facility within a green fenced enclosure.
The application has already received opposition from Cllr Geoff Webber and Cllr Trevor Chapman have lodged objections on the grounds of the existing flood risk (most recently in December 2015), the loss of existing public open space, the visual impact and potential safety risk in the case of a fire.
Any member of the public can comment on this application using the link to the planning details. Objections close on 12 January 2017.
It would be located on the green space next to the Hydro Swimming Pool, a space regularly used by dog walkers and as a children’s play area.
We are awaiting comment from Northern Powergrid and the applicant, Entrust (planning consultants).

Harrogate HG1 2RP, UK
Cllr Matthew Webber also objected due to flood risk, loss of open space and health&safety if there was a fire
Onbjections close Friday 12th Kljand
yet more poor decisions by Harrogate and North Yorkshire council. About time we focussed on the roads, the cleanliness of the town and the overall appeal that is being lost. Lead the way oh great council in destroying our fantastic spa town.
Why is Harrogate so bent on covering every parcel of “green land” with buildings that have no merit? I think I am right in thinking that there is a large industrial site begging use not a couple of hundred metres away from this suggested site.