North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) is set to benefit from a £2.358m road repairs boost from Government.
The new cash comes from a new Yorkshire and Humber fund of £7.3m specifically for pothole repairs. It is estimated that the fund will be enough to fill nearly 45,000 potholes.
The funding is on top of the £26m the Government gives North Yorkshire as its annual Highways Maintenance allocation this year.
Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones is a Minister in the Department for Transport and has welcomed the extra funding.

Mr Jones said:
North Yorkshire has received by far the largest allocation from the pothole fund of any authority in Yorkshire and the Humber. The allocation is around two-and-a-half times that given to the East Riding of Yorkshire which received the second largest grant.
This is because the particular and significant challenges of having a large and very rural road network are recognised.
There are a lot of potholes to fill and this funding enables 45,000 to be put right. I am sure that local people will welcome the extra funding and are as keen as I am that the County Council puts it to good use.