Changes at Household Waste Recycling Centres from 4 August 2014

From the 4 August 2014 North Yorkshire County Council will introduce charges for hardcore and rubble to all users of its 20 Household Waste and Recycling Centres.

Materials that will be charged for include breeze blocks, bricks, ceramics (e.g. sinks and toilets), concrete, flag stones, gravel, hardcore, pottery, rubble, sand, slates, soil, stones, tarmac, tiles, window glass and plasterboard. Household waste and recyclable items will not be affected by the changes and will not be charged for.

The introduction of charges follows a countywide consultation exercise and is part of the council’s overall austerity measures.

At the same time, the county council is opening up all its household waste sites to take commercial waste from businesses and traders.

At the moment this service to commercial customers is only available at Harrogate and Northallerton; but from 4 August all producers of commercial waste – businesses large and small through to community centres, churches, educational establishments, holiday parks – will be able to dispose of their waste at any of the county council’s sites, for an appropriate charge.

In addition to opening all sites to commercial waste customers, the county council is also extending the times when commercial customers can deliver their waste – from Monday to Saturday during normal site opening hours (all HWRC are closed on Wednesdays).


Chris Metcalfe, Executive Member for Waste Management at North Yorkshire County Council said: We have no real choice but to charge in order to meet the council’s savings plan, I am however, pleased that the prices our contractors have set are relatively modest and affordable, and offer value for money compared to the alternatives such as hiring a skip.”

I am also really pleased that we are able to open up all the sites to commercial waste for both disposal and recycling. Local businesses will now have a cost effective and accessible alternative disposal service on their doorstep which will help encourage recycling and reduce fly tipping. That’s great news for all of us.

For more information on our new commercial waste service or the new charges that will apply from 4 August 2014 visit or


  1. I believe you will be expecting to send bin wagons down the country lane s to clear all the fly tipping that this will occur. I had to picked up a sofa that was dumped and took it too a local tip to me, no where near we’re it was dumped, but if I see rubble dumped, there’s Norway I will be clearing it..if some one takes out there toilet and brings it to a tip in their own car,then it should be free. Rant over. Remember to keep Great Britain tidy

  2. All the waste disposal sites are now privatised, that is what is costing money. Before privatisation people and businesses could take their waste at all opening times. Also, when they were public sites, they could also make a little extra money buy selling stuff that other people wanted, whereas now, they only sell to businesses anyway, thereby making even more money – which the Council Tax payer now has also to fund.

  3. I’m really please that you’re really pleased ‘Chris Metcalfe’. Let’s see how please you’ll be when rubble is dumped all over North Yorkshire. I’m astonished this rule has come into place. I’m even more astonished that the individual’s responsible for this are actually in employment.

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