Thunderbirds are go! for the Platinum bed race team

Platinum, the printing company based on Hookstone Park in Harrogate, is gearing up for the annual Knaresborough Bed Race on Saturday 14th June 2014 with a strong team of runners from the business dressed as the classic puppet characters, the Thunderbirds. The theme of this year’s Bed Race is Children’s Television and Film Characters and Thunderbirds proved an irresistible choice for the Platinum team.

Steve Law, sales director at Platinum Print said: My 13 year old daughter, Abbie, will be on the bed as part of the team and she was surprised by our choice of Thunderbirds as she had never heard of them! However, she has now watched old episodes on YouTube and is more than happy to take her place as Lady Penelope and thinks it will be F.A.B!

As well as Abbie Law, the team comprises production manager, Barry Cooper, Scott Waddington from the mailing department, Matt Coop from pre-press, estimators David Norman and James Harrison and Matt Bull from warehousing. Several of the team members have completed the Great North Run, the Survival of the Fittest races (previously known as the Rat Race) and the Spartan Race, the world’s leading obstacle race series.

Managing director, Mark Plummer said: We are delighted that we have been given the green light to compete in the Bed Race and we will be raising funds for the Friends of Alfie Martin. The charity raises vital funds to improve transportation and neonatal equipment to help save lives of critically ill infants.

To support Platinum’s Thunderbirds are Go! bed at the Knaresborough Bed Race, go to and see the ‘News’ section.

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