At around 11.30pm on Sunday 10 November 2013, a Mercedes C Class was stolen from the driveway of a property on Crimple Meadows after burglars broke into a house and stole the car keys before taking the car.
The car was found a short time later by officers in the Walton Park area.
To assist the investigation, officers are appealing for anyone who saw any suspicious activity, people or vehicles in the Crimple Meadows or Walton Park area between 11pm and 2.20am to contact them.
Anyone who can assist the investigation is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for Harrogate CID.
Alternatively you can pass information anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Please quote reference number 12130195648 when passing on information about this case.
Police are urging residents to be vigilant and take as many crime prevention measures as possible:
- Hide your keys away at night where thieves cannot see them or easily find them
- Don’t tempt thieves by leaving valuables on view through windows, letterboxes or cat-flaps.
- Always lock your car and remove valuables
- Keep your car in the garage if you have one. If thieves can’t see your car – they can’t steal it.
- Fit a car alarm or tracking device if finances allow and remember to use them
- Lock doors, windows garages, sheds and gates – even when you are at home
- Don’t leave garden implements or tools outside as thieves can use these to gain entry to your property
- Leave a light and radio on when you go out at night