Harrogate Borough Council

Harrogate Council to introduce Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Harrogate Borough CouncilThe ability for a local planning authority to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has been in place since 2010 when the Government introduced the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010. So far only a handful of authorities have reached the point of adopting and implementing a CIL.

Many local authorities are now at an advanced stage of introducing a CIL. Harrogate Borough Council is working towards the adoption of a CIL for the district during the summer of 2014, following an examination in public of a draft charging schedule in the spring of next year.

The levy is charged on the gross internal floorspace of new development. Where planning permission is granted for a development that involves the extension or demolition of a building in lawful use,the level of CIL payable will be calculated based on the net increase in floorspace.

Harrogate Borough Council has put forward proposals for community infrastructure levy (CIL) rates:

  • Residential developments within Ripon City, which comprises the Wards of Ripon Spa, Ripon Minster and Ripon Moorside, will be subject to a rate of £45 per sq m.
  • Residential developments across the rest of the District have been set a proposed rate of £85 per sq m.
  • Supermarkets, the Council has proposed to set a borough-wide CIL rate of £200 per sq m, with the rate for retail warehouses proposed as £120 per sq m.
  • Public and institutional facilities including education, health, community and emergency services are proposed to have a nil rate.
  • All other chargeable development is proposed to be subject to a rate of £10 per sq m.

Revenue generated by the CIL is kept in a fund separate from other council budgets and must be used to deliver infrastructure (eg for example highway improvements, schools, health facilities, flood defences, open space). The fund aims to support growth in the district.

Harrogate Borough Council said:

The emerging CIL rates have been developed taking full account of the economic viability of development in the district, including achieving the development targets and standards specified by local planning policies.

The CIL has been introduced by the government to help local authorities deliver the infrastructure needed to support development and create sustainable communities.

This will help to ensure that the Harrogate district continues to be an attractive place for people to live.

The draft charging schedule can be viewed here

The consultation will be open for comments until 21 June 2013, with the levy coming into force by summer next year.

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