Local MP re-elected as vice chair of Parliamentary stroke group

The MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, Andrew Jones, has been re-elected as the Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Stroke, at the group’s AGM on Tuesday (5 February).

Andrew, who has held the position for a year, is a strong supporter of the Stroke Association in Parliament and is actively campaigning to raise awareness and funds for local stroke groups.

Throughout the year he has attended a reception at Number 10, hosted by Samantha Cameron, and events at the Party Conference in Birmingham, both with the Stroke Association. Locally he has spoken at the UK Stroke Forum Conference as well as helping at Harrogate Speakability and Sip for Stroke fundraisers.

In November Andrew raised the issue of Work Capability Assessments for stroke sufferers with the Minister of State for Work and Pensions in Parliament. For more on that story, go to www.andrewjonesmp.co.uk/uncategorized/local-mp-speaks-out-for-stroke-sufferers



Andrew welcomed the news that he has been re-elected:

I am excited to have the opportunity to continue in this role as I have learnt a great deal about the condition, met some amazing people and been able to contribute to local and national campaigns.

In Harrogate and Knaresborough many residents have suffered a stroke and daily activities are dependent on the help of others. Harrogate & District Stroke Club and the Stroke Association provide brilliant care and support for these stroke survivors and their carers in our community.

That is why I have supported these local groups in Westminster and I am pleased to have the chance to carry this on as Vice Chair to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Stroke.

For more information on Andrew or the work he does as an MP visit www.andrewjonesmp.co.uk

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