Make a real difference in your community – become a PCSO

23 December 2012

Harrogate PoliceNorth Yorkshire Police have launched a recruitment campaign for Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs).

The force is looking for community-minded people who want to improve the quality of life in their neighbourhoods.

Posts are available in locations across the force area and we are particularly interested in hearing from candidates with a desire to work in the Scarborough, Filey and Whitby areas.

North Yorkshire Police has 179 PCSOs currently; this new recruitment campaign is designed to increase this to the full complement of 183 as well as maintain numbers as PCSOs progress their careers or leave the force; in Scarborough there will be a small increase in the number of PCSOs.

Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, said:

PCSOs make a real difference to local people and are significant in making our area one of the safest places to live in England.

What’s more, over the course of the past few months I have received many extremely positive comments about PCSOs and their integral role as members of our communities.

Julia MulliganThis recruitment drive also demonstrates that despite challenging times, I am fully committed to a strong and resilient frontline policing force, which is so very essential to keeping North Yorkshire and the City of York safe.

The role demands people who are first class communicators and proven problem solvers with high levels of personal resilience.

As a key member of the Safer Neighbourhood Team, they work closely with local residents and businesses, being visible, engaging and proactive in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.

They also provide an essential link with councils, schools and other partner agencies to address issues that matter most to residents.

If you are interested in becoming a PCSO, please get in touch with North Yorkshire Police as soon as possible.

For more information about the role of a PCSO and the recruitment and training process, please go to the North Yorkshire Police website.

The closing date for applications is Monday 31 December 2012 at 4pm.


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