The cast of Harrogate Theatre will be adding a touch of sparkle to the lives of foster children this Christmas when they join forces with Fostering North Yorkshire.
The theatre has invited more than 100 fostered children and their foster carers to their production of Beauty and the Beast, which runs until 15th January.
The cast of Beauty and the Beast with some lucky children at the Harrogate Theatre:
Front row: William Manktelow (4), Victoria Manktelow, Adrienne Manktelow (2), Tim Stedman (Muddles), Caroline and Ebonie Dinsmore (4), Oliver Ramshaw (9)
Back row: Howard Chadwick (Dame Sue the Sous Chef), Jessica (10) and Cara (9) Bagioni, David Westbrook (Baron Bonbon), Davis Brooks (The Prince), Katy Dean (Belle), Kate Whittle (Principal Ensemble), Polly Lister (Mona Lisa).
Rob McMurdo, Harrogate Theatre’s Marketing Manager said:
It’s a privilege to be able to do this for so many children.
County Councillor Carl Les, Executive Member for Fostering North Yorkshire, said:
This is a marvellous gesture by the theatre, and we are most grateful for the support it demonstrates for fostering.
Events like this help show our carers how much their work is appreciated. Too often it is assumed that children are in the care of the local authority because they have caused problems in the past. This is rarely the case – too often, it’s because of other people’s difficulties.
People interested in finding out more about fostering should call Fostering North Yorkshire on 0800 054 6989. The next fostering information evening will be held on Tuesday 24th January – all details available from the Fostering North Yorkshire information number.
Picture shows The cast of Beauty and the Beast with some lucky children at the Harrogate Theatre: Front row: William Manktelow (4), Victoria Manktelow, Adrienne Manktelow (2), Tim Stedman (Muddles), Caroline and Ebonie Dinsmore (4), Oliver Ramshaw (9)
Back row: Howard Chadwick (Dame Sue the Sous Chef), Jessica (10) and Cara (9) Bagioni, David Westbrook (Baron Bonbon), Davis Brooks (The Prince), Katy Dean (Belle), Kate Whittle (Principal Ensemble), Polly Lister (Mona Lisa).