County council offers help with street parties for Royal Wedding

16 February 2011

North Yorkshire County Council has taken steps to make organising a street party easier for residents wishing to celebrate the Royal Wedding.

The county council has issued guidance to people wanting to organise festivities to mark the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29th and is making every effort to reduce the expense.

The council is now reminding people that if applications are received by March 14th it can make one legal order to cover a number of roads and will bear the costs. The deadline provides sufficient time to check that individual locations are suitable and to carry out the legal process required for a road closure.

However, in order to hold a street party for free, residents must choose a private street, or a cul-de-sac, where there is no access to other roads and where neighbours and residents can gather easily and safely together. Also, in order to avoid an alcohol or entertainment licence organisers are advised not to sell alcohol or publicise and charge for music.

County councillor Gareth Dadd, North Yorkshire’s executive member for highways said: “We wish to make the process as easy as possible for people to enjoy a street party for the Royal Wedding and we are happy to work with residents and to give as much guidance as possible. Highway safety has to be a high priority and we are encouraging people to hold their parties away from through roads, but in this way organisation becomes much simpler and considerably cheaper.”

People planning a larger event or a street party on a through road will have to engage in a more detailed and much more expensive process. A street party on a through road requires organisers to provide a traffic plan, detailed risk assessments, public liability insurance and to arrange for a contractor to sign diversion routes.

Further information about setting up a street party, including application forms, is available at


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