Cllr Kevin Foster, Green Party candidate for Mayor of York & North Yorkshire, has given his full backing to the renovation of the Harrogate Convention Centre, recognising the enormous contribution the centre makes to both the economy and the cultural life in the town.
Kevin said:
Once the appeal for funds from the Government’s Levelling-Up Fund was rejected, the future of the Centre became uncertain but as Mayor, I will consider it my responsibility to give it all the support I can in order to secure its future. I will hope to release funds from the Mayor’s budget but I will also work to secure private investment and Government grants.
The Centre brings millions of pounds into the local economy and it is essential for Harrogate and North Yorkshire that this vital resource continues to thrive. I will work with developers and North Yorkshire Council to secure a long-term plan and to ensure the best deal for taxpayers. Plans for the Centre are currently being revised but work already carried out gives us a strong base from which to move forward.
The Harrogate Convention Centre opened 42 years ago and this is a fantastic opportunity to give it a new lease of life and make this invaluable asset an even better venue for decades to come.