Pateley Bridge High Street
Pateley Bridge High Street

Key Harrogate bus service saved

The 24 bus service between Harrogate and Pateley Bridge to continue.

Executive member for highways and transport, Councillor Keane Duncan, said:

The 24 is a key route that many people rely on so I am pleased to announce that we have been able to step in to support this service.

When the operator notified us that it planned to withdraw most services on this route, we secured short-term funds to cover these until April 2023.

This allowed us time to investigate a longer-term solution. We have now secured continuation of the service until April 2024, operated by Transdev (The Harrogate Bus Company).

The timetable will continue unchanged, but with most journeys now receiving financial support. We hope that passengers will support the 24 service and that usage will build over the coming 12 months.

This positive outcome on the 24 is part of our efforts to support several at risk routes across North Yorkshire. We will continue to work closely with operators in order to protect as much of the bus network as we can through a period of unprecedented pressure.

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