Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, will be using a design created by Misha Oti – a pupil at Richard Taylor School in Harrogate – for his Christmas e-card.
The design was chosen from those submitted by local school children in response to Mr Jones’s ‘Create a Christmas e-card for your MP’ competition. Mr Jones has run the competition since he became an MP in 2010.
Misha’s e-card will be sent to local groups and constituents.
The competition entries were judged by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Robert Windass, Penny Mackenzie – a former primary school teacher – and Sue Waterworth who works at Springwater school in Starbeck.

Andrew said:
It was another year of entries packed with colour, Christmas cheer and creativity. The judges though felt that Misha’s design reflected the spirit of the time with her focus on peace, joy and love. This clinched it for the judges and I think they made an excellent choice.
Misha was awarded a framed copy of her Christmas card at her school and her card was also presented by Mr Jones to Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak in Westminster.

Each primary school that entered had a ‘local winner’ and every child who submitted an entry received a special certificate personally signed by Mr Jones. You can see more about the competition on Andrew’s Instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/p/CmEhkflIMLn/.