Ripon Grammar

Ripon Grammar in top 5% of schools nationally for student progress

30 September 2020

RIPON Grammar School has been ranked among the top five per cent of schools in the country for the progress students make in sixth form.

The rating, from the nationally recognised ALPS (A-level Performance System), places RGS among the very best state and independent schools and sixth form colleges.

ALPS compares the outcomes of 3,000 schools over three years, measuring the value added to a student’s A-level performance compared to what was expected of them based on the level they reached at GCSE.

This latest analysis is based on the three-year period up to last year’s A-level results.

Headmaster Jonathan Webb said:

Staff work extremely hard to enable each student to flourish at RGS and the truest measure of our success is to be found in the value we add to students’ predicted outcomes.

As well as outstanding achievements on results days, our students have accomplished way above what is expected, and to have made such exceptional progress following tremendous GCSE results is especially impressive.

I am delighted that both students and staff have had their outstanding work recognised by the ALPS system.

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