Paintings created by residents from a care home in Knaresborough are showcasing online as part of National Day of Arts in Care Homes (24 September 2020).
Three older people from Anchor’s The Manor House in Hambleton Grove were thrilled to be told their artwork had been selected for the online gallery which is focusing on how arts has been used to keep care settings connected during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The artwork created by Brenda Raynes, Nikki Yacub and Betty Grant was chosen to be featured on Anchor’s and the Arts in Care Homes Day websites.
Brenda, 89, who has lived at The Manor House for four years, said:
I started painting 20 years ago when I joined an evening class and this is the first time I’ve had my artwork displayed publicly. I’m so happy about that.
Painting is a hobby which I really enjoy and the art classes enabled me to meet like-minded people.
Residents and staff from the home took part in the national celebration day by organising a variety of activities, including a painting and drawing competition with all the creations being displayed in the home.
They joined more than 30 of Anchor’s care homes across England for an art-themed quiz on Zoom so that residents in the homes around the country could compete against each other.

There was also a live Indian dancing demonstration broadcast to the care homes online as part of the day. Residents will be encouraged to take part in the chair-based dance exercises run by Bisakha Sarker, Chaturangan’s artistic director, who was awarded an MBE in 2014 for services to Indian dance.
Diane Armstrong, Anchor’s Wellness Advisor, said:
We are so happy to take part in the National Day of Arts in Care Homes as it builds on the many creative activities we already organise in our 114 care homes across England.
Art is a wonderful way for residents to express their feelings, show off their artistic flare and for others to appreciate the talents of the older people living in our care homes.
The online gallery of older people’s artwork can be view on