HBC open applications for additional financial help for businesses affected by coronavirus

Applications for additional financial help, to support small businesses that have not been able to access other national support schemes, are now open.

The Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund offers grants of up to £10,000 to bed and breakfasts (B&Bs), small charities, businesses in shared or flexible offices or business parks and market traders.

Businesses who believe they are eligible should visit the government’s website for the full criteria before applying via the Harrogate Borough Council’s website.

Councillor Graham Swift, deputy leader and cabinet member for resources, enterprise and economic development for Harrogate Borough Council, said:

These funds are aimed at small businesses with ongoing fixed property costs who may have missed out in previous grant fund schemes. B&Bs and smaller charities will be particular beneficiaries of this and we welcome an application being made.

This comes off the back of the previous £50million grant funding available to other businesses across the Harrogate district. I’m delighted to add that more than £46million of this fund has already been paid thanks to the hard work of council officers who have worked tirelessly to get the application form and grants processed.

Applications are being accepted in two phases.

  • Phase 1 is now open until midnight on 21 June and is for B&Bs and small charities.
  • Phase 2 will open from 15 June until midnight on 28 June and is for businesses in shared or flexible offices or business parks and market traders.

Eligibility criteria applies and evidence will be required so businesses are advised to check the government and council website for further information.

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