Warren Kerr will appear as the February entry for the Little Troopers Military Moments 2020 calendar
Warren Kerr will appear as the February entry for the Little Troopers Military Moments 2020 calendar

Military family from Ripon to appear in calendar

27 October 2019

A 3-year-old who’s soldier Dad is serving at Claro Barracks in Ripon has been chosen from hundreds of entries to feature in a national charity calendar which will raise money to support children whose parents are serving in the British Armed Forces.

Warren Kerr will appear as the February entry for the Little Troopers Military Moments 2020 calendar in a photo of him trying on army uniform at the Southport Air Show in September. Warren’s picture will appear alongside a collection of other heart-warming photos that capture special moments from British Armed Forces families as seen through the eyes of forces children.

Warren’s mum, Shannon Stanley, comments:

Warren was so excited to try the army uniform on and send a picture to his Daddy who couldn’t come with us to the Airshow as he was travelling to a course that day.

We’re thrilled to be included in this year’s calendar, especially as February is Warren’s birthday month! I first found out about Little Troopers when my partner was deployed last year. I wasn’t really involved in the military community as we don’t live on base, so I found the resources really helped Warren to understand where his Daddy was and why he was away. His Dad used the Little Troopers Treasures story-time app to record himself reading stories for Warren to watch and we used that every day, as well as reading the Little Troopers books every night.

Little Troopers founder; army veteran and military parent, Louise Fetigan, explains:

We love the picture of Warren in his army uniform beaming from ear to ear and we know it will put a smile on everyone’s faces when they turn their calendar over in February.

All of the images in the calendar encapsulate the special bond that military children have with their serving parents. One of the biggest challenges military children face is being regularly separated from their serving parent for long periods, at unpredictable times and sometimes at very short notice. That’s why Little Troopers exists, to champion and support all our military children, whatever forces life sends their way.

The ‘Military Moments’ 2020 calendar is now on sale, costing £7.50, with all proceeds helping Little Troopers to continue providing fundamental resources and initiatives to support military children such as the Little Troopers Treasures story-time app and Little Troopers Separation Pack.

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