Bijouled on Parliament Street in Harrogate has a raffle supporting brain tumour research, the PPR Foundation. The shop is owned by husband and wife, Neville and Georgina Collins.
A few months ago Neville was diagnosed as having a brain tumour and they decided that they wanted to support brain tumour research.
Neville is currently having his condition monitored.

Georgina said:
We were taking part in the Christmas Shop Window competition and thought we would combine that with fundraising.
Our window display has the theme “Driving Home for Christmas”. It’s a display that we have put a lot of time into. We had a photographer photograph Parliament Street and we had the images printed and turned into the backdrops.
We found a fully working kids beetle and have made that the centre-piece of the window. It needed to be painted and we had a roof put on it for the window, but it has lights, a horn and everything.

Raffle tickets can be bought from the shop and cost £3, or you can get them online through their Just Giving Page