A Harrogate roundabout has made it into the Best of British Roundabout calendar 2016.
The Prince of Wales roundabout will feature for the month of July.
Kevin Beresford is the President of the Society.
Kevin Beresford, President of UKRAS said:
The UK Roundabout Appreciation Society all agreed that the Harrogate splendid double-kerber roundabout, in radiant full bloom, thoroughly deserved a place in our popular calendar.
I personally feel this charming traffic island perfectly sums up what is the epitome of the perfect gyratory. Roundabouts really do not come much better than this.
The people of Harrogate should feel very proud for achieving such a high roundabout accolade.
Councillor Michael Harrison, Harrogate Borough CouncilCabinet Member for the Environment said:
Harrogate takes great pride in being one of the UK’s finest floral towns and the district’s roundabouts provide a fantastic landscape on which to add a splash of colour.
Roundabouts can be a thing of beauty and the display of eye catching polyanthus and wallflowers on the Prince of Wales roundabout in Harrogate’s town centre clearly demonstrates what is possible.
Our parks team really deserves credit for working tirelessly to create floral displays for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy.