Emma Holiday-Wall has taken to Facebook in scathing criticism of the Kash4Klothes business in the High Harrogate area of Harrogate.
Emma’s mother died in April this year and she arranged for Kash4Klothes to pickup a large number of bags containing some of her mother’s clothes from the house that they had been clearing.
The bags were taken and then later returned with the company saying that they were unsuitable for what they could use.
Emma said:
We arranged for Kash4Klothes to pickup the bags and they said that they needed to look at the bags and would then give us around £140.
Kash4Klothes then contacted us and said that the clothes were contaminated and were of no use to them.
I got a phone call this morning from my son saying that my mothers clothes had been returned and left out in the rain.
It has been very upsetting and has made me very angry.
The Facebook criticism prompted further scathing and abusive comments on a message thread that was eventually removed by the page administrators.
Susan Dangerfield of Kash4Klothes said:
We buy clothes for them to be reused, but we can only take clothes that are in a good condition and not damp, dirty, mouldy or stained.
We agreed to pick up a large number of bags from Emma, something that we don’t normally do.
When we got the bags back to the shop and started to look the contents, we found that they were unsuitable and had to return them.
We tried to make contact with Emma, but in the end returned them to the house and place were we picked them up from as we didn’t have room to store them.
We are really sorry that we couldn’t take the clothes, but they were of the type and quality that we couldn’t use.