Dj Trev’s guide to nights (in white satin, because whilst reading this you will feel like you are “never reaching the end”)
Definitely Might Be are an Oasis tribute act and are playing at The Alexandra tonight. When I went to see Oasis proper their generator blew up. Twice. It was pretty crap but I got my money back, which went some way to making up for the fact I fell out with everyone that I was with that night, as sometimes I get a little grumpy when I’ve paid 50 quid to watch a generator blow up. Twice. I reckon tonight’s gig at the Alex will be much better however, plus it’s free. I suppose I should apologize to the people I fell out with at that gig, but it was some time ago and it’s all water under the bridge, plus one of them paid me back by splitting up with me 2 years later and rendering me a crumpled emotional husk of a man.
Sharon Colgan and her band play the Blues Bar tonight, which is a monthly residency. I’d like to get some monthly residencies, anyone interested must be able to meet my STRICT rider policy of 1 x Han Solo in bespin outfit from the original range. You can pick these up from toy fairs for about 1 pound, however, if the night you want me to play is a Saturday, I want two of them. And a tuna melt.
At Rehab tonight there’s two floors of music, Tex is on the top one playing Hip-hop and R’n’B and I’m downstairs playing cheesy rock and other stuff, between us we’ve pretty much got it covered and it’s free to get in to my night, because, well, you wouldn’t pay for me would you?
Viper rooms have got an R’n’B night on called Y.O.L.O. Which stands for You Only Live Once. I want to call my rival night at rehab “R.O.L.O.” which stands for Rock Out, Like, Outrageously, but my boss won’t let me because he is jealous of my collection of Han Solo figurines..
FRIDAY 7th June
Fuschi 4 play the Blues bar this Friday, they play the blues with a twist that is simply thrilling. I stole that quote directly from Blues in the Northwest. What are they gonna do, fight me for it? I suppose it depends where in the Northwest they come from. I wouldn’t fight anyone from Preston, but am pretty sure most people from Ashton-under-Lyne can’t be that rock, or they would call their town something tougher, like Ashton-under-Smashteeth, or Smashton-under-Bluntforcetrauma.
Perhaps my favourite pub in Harrogate, the Empress on the Stray , have the band Rock Train playing there. That is to say, perhaps The Empress on the Stray is my favourite pub, NOT perhaps they have Rock Train playing there, that is a definite. I like this paragraphe because it has enabled my to say the bands name Rock Train three times, and every time you read it I suspect your voice will get more and more Tommy Vance: “Rock Train, it’s a Train of Rock POWER!”. Rock Train.
John Robb is in the Harrogate festival Speilgeltent, he is from the band Gold blade. His write up on his webpage about what he does is pretty funny, so I reckon that will be quite cool. I’m gonna give it a Top Tip rating of “top”, because I bet you’ve seen that Speigel tent and thought “I want to go to something that’s in that, but have no idea whats in that so can’t.” Well, now you know that this Friday John Robb out of Goldblade is in it. So you should go. If you loves the punk, then go to the NYHC gig after. Which I shall list a mere line below for better continuity.
My other illustrious TOP TIP is The N.Y.H.C. Night at Zoso, as part of their weekly Friday night live sessions. The N.Y.H.C. are ace local punk rock promoters who do everything theirselves, for the ultimate DIY gig thrill! Totally underground, the line up tonight is Dry Heaves, Clean Shirts (who are ace), new guys Reputed and old guys Croak Ditch. Entry is free and honestly you couldn’t wish for a more lovely set of people than the ones you’ll meet there. They will all be celebrating the 30th birthday of Harrogate’s fave whisky smelling rocker, Craig “Dj Monkey” Gordon. Happy birthday sweetness.
Finally for Friday, I wholeheartedly recommend you support 1 Night Stand, a newish House night that runs monthly at Bar 19, I like the idea of this because it is a change of direction for Bar 19, so if you are into House Music you should go support it. If you don’t support the type of things you like, don’t whine when they don’t happen. I’m not kidding, I wish I had money for everytime someone was stood in a very commercial night complaining about the music, as when you say “Well, you could come to this night next week, its playing (metal, house, dubstep, whatever they are into)” UNIVERSALLY they all say “Oh, yeah, well, I’ll maybe come” And then in 6 weeks time I see them in the same place they were originally complaining about, still complaining. Shut it!
In the interests of balance and fairplay, Viper Rooms, rehab, Moko Lounge and Revolution are also open for clubbing, doing what they do every week and there’s nothing wrong with that, indeed consistency is a trait I admire. If anyone from any of those venues is reading this, why not facebook me a nice description of what your nights do, as self promotion is also a trait I find worthy of remark. For example, listen to my “radio show style” mixes on, I pretty much just talk about myself for 2 hours. It’s Fawesome.
I’ve got just the one Top tip for today, but it’s a really really big one. It’s like a double top tip, only that sounds like a darts reference and darts is just the javelin for alcoholics isn’t it?
Anyway, Saturday is the classic Knaresborough Bed Race, which is always a good day out. My sister once won it (she was on the bed, but she could probably win it single-handedly now. When she was on the bed her team set a world record for time. That’s right, my sister was on a bed with six men and they set a record for speed, WHAT OF IT?). But I digress, running on Bed Race day is a mini festival called Bedfest. This is up at Henshaws Arts & Crafts Center, and in a blatant piece of cutting and pasting from their facebook page, here’s who’s playing:
Fresh from a best song nomination from the Independent Music Awards and BBC 6 Music airplay are headliners FOLD. Support comes from a variety of local acts including; Rob Reynolds, Salvage My Dream, Recovery*, The Blue Chords, The Superlatives*, Fiona Holt, Skyeline, Adam Tait, Aaron Bertenshaw*, Tom Peacock, After the Rain, Hellfire Jack*, Lobo*, Little Darts and Red Ocean Nectar.
Right, get this : THIS IS FREE ENTRY. It’s really impressive that they are able to do something on this scale and keep it free and any proceeds taken on the day, presumably from sale of drinks and that, go to charity. So this is something REALLY worth supporting! I know about half the bands playing and they are genuinely great (for ease, I put a star next to them, that’s no disrespect to the rest if the acts, but I can only add my oh-so-important celebrity endorsement to the the ones I know, y’know?) I really can’t recommend this enough to you. It looks like the bands start at 5pm, which is convenient as you can watch the bed race finish, hook a duck or eat some candyfloss then head up the hill for this. In a completely unrelated recommendation, why not go for a Jever at The Mitre by the train station, – and if you see me there buy me one because it is the best Pilsner I’ve managed to find in the UK. But more importantly go to Bedfest. I must admit, I missed the boat on this, I wish I was Djing it. Oh well, I’m playing FEVA in the park in Knaresborough this year when that comes around so that’ll have to do. Go to Bedfest!
I feel I’ve somewhat gone on about an event in Knaresborough, in this, my guide to what’s on in Harrogate, so here is a swift but firm guide of what is on in HARROGATE on Saturday.:
Jenkins, The Peacemaker & Rutter, Rquiem is on at the Royal Hall as part of Harrogate Festivals fringe gigs.
Playtime at Zoso is a residents party with a rare appearance from Scott Reynolds. This is a cool night.
Jed Thomas’ Blues band are back at The Blues Bar this week.
Dj Pieman is at Rehab upstairs and Dj Wayne plays Faithless “Insomnia” downstairs.
Disco Dave & Tex run both rooms at Revolution.
Viper Rooms & Moko Lounge are open for partying.
There’s also a new Dj playing at the Den, but I dunno who, I’m back there in a few weeks.
All the usual parking restrictions are in place.
SUNDAY 9th june
Blue Mosquitos are at The Blues Bar in the afternoon as part one of their regular Sunday sessions, with Congo Faith Healers making up the evening part of proceedings. This event also has theSpa Town Roller Girls there, though what they are going to be doing remains unclear to me…. For those that don’t know the Spa town Roller Girls are our very own roller Derby team, and I think they are going to be selling buns and raising their profile. Whatevs, girls in Roller Boots are hot and you know it. Also playing are Jerry at the Controls who have a good name, but to be honest I’m mainly thinking about girls in roller Boots. They possibly wear rollerblades thinking about it, which isn’t quite as hot for me as I am a child of the 70‘s and I also liked Heather Graham when she was rollergirl in Boogienights. Still, they are girls who clearly like to get outdoors and exercise, which I feel I have to respect and admire.
The Fat Badger runs their pub quiz on Sundays, I dj at Rehab and Viper rooms has their urban night Peek-a-boo. These nights are all run all the time so whilst I can’t really wax lyrical about them, the fact they are on every week implies that they are decent doesn’t it? But don’t do what Mark did 2 weeks ago and stagger in 3 minutes before we close and go “well this is a bit crap I’m never reading your weekend preview again it’s all lies you said this was banging and look, you’re closing”. Yes, we do all sometimes shut and go home at the end of the night at 4 in the god-damn-morning on a Sunday.
MONDAY 10th June
Zoso have Tom Kellet’s and Pete Oliver is at The Blues Bar , both doing open mic nights, whilst Dj Pieman runs his weekly pub quiz at The Alexandra, with free chilli for participants. Moko has their Monday night Karaoki on until the small hours. See this is what this column would look like if I just wrote what was on, rather than going on about having fights with tigers and stuff. Imagine the free time I’d have on my hands. I could probably learn to do something constructive like the moonwalk. That would be awesome.
TUESDAY 11th June
Pete Oliver is back at the Blues bar on Tuesday with his band in tow for a night of live music, but other than that it’s business as usual so here’s what I’ve written for the last 5 weeks for Tuesdays:
There is the Folk night at the Tap n’ Spile every Tuesday, but if you couldn’t give a folk about that, at the club end of the spectrum Moko has a night two rooms, one with Jay Selway’s Rock Box and the other with a really good commercial DJ doing good upfront stuff. I didn’t see who it was playing when I was in there but both rooms were playing good stuff. Jay also runs Rock Box pub night at the Regency.
The Electro Jam continues at Zoso on Tuesdays and is a nice night out. They seem to rotate the Djs more often now so if you don’t like what one jock is doing you don’t have to wait long for another to be on. Hardcore Dave plays some hardcore too, which is something you don’t get enough of in Harrogate, so mad props to him and all the Harrogate Hardcrew. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again.
Paul Middleton swears and plays with his Angst Band at the Blues Bar each Wednesday..
Dj Pieman rocks his Wednesday residency at Rehab, as ever that’s free to get in and there’s some drinks offers on and stuff.
If you have children, first of all: thanks for that, but could you teach them to to not make my mates feel so old by being slightly ruder than they were when they were kids. But more importantly, your kids might like Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom which is on at the Harrogate Theatre. This is a live stage show of the animated TV series. That alone confuses me, about as much as general childrens TV shows now do. I think that’s MY “grumpy old man” thing, I don’t think kids these days are any ruder than I was, I don’t care what they wear and largely I think a lot of their music is quite good. But I find their TV programmes a frighteningly bewildering affair. WHY is there a talking baby floating on a cloud laughing? It makes NO SENSE. Not like in my day, when Human-Cat half breeds lived on a mystic planet and had a magic sword and a
super powered tank and fought an egyptian mummy for some reason.
Not last week but the week before, I recorded what I actually think classes as a decent radio show for You can listen to it again at . It does have some bad language in and for that I apologize in advance, but I really do like that show. Unfortunately the one I did for this week is rubbish. Don’t listen to it. Between 10pm and midnight on Saturday, or 2pm – 4pm on Thursday.
You can “interact” with me at but if you could be a little bit more constructive than the guy who commented on my cover photo that would be nice. At least explain why you think I am that particular part of a woman?
As ever, thanks for reading, drink responsibly and don’t be loose with your affections.
Trev x x x