
Final stage of consultation on local plan

plansHarrogate Borough Council is at the final stage of consultation on its emerging Local Plan which will be used to manage development for both homes and businesses in the Harrogate district up to 2024.

The council has recently published the next major Local Plan document ‘Sites and Policies’ upon which they are inviting the public to comment.

This document covers the whole district and makes allocations of land for new development and sets out the policies against which planning applications for development and change of use will be assessed.

Comments on the Sites and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) can be made until 4.30 pm on Friday 21 June 2013.

Only representations received within this period have a statutory right to be considered by the Inspector at the subsequent Public Inquiry which is likely to be held in the spring of 2014.

The council is also seeking comments on draft supplementary planning documents: Green Infrastructure: Homes for Local People: Heritage Management and also on the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Representations should be submitted on the response form which is available to download from or by contacting the planning policy team. This will help to ensure that the representations can be fully taken into account by the Inspector. Completed response forms should be returned to:

Planning Policy Team, Department of Development Services, Harrogate Borough Council, Knapping Mount, West Grove Road, Harrogate, HG1 2AE

Or email:

Representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address of:

  • The submission of the Sites and Policies DPD for independent examination under section 20 of the Town and Country (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
  • The publication of the recommendations of the person appointed to carry out and independent examination under section 20 of the Act; and
  • The adoption of the Sites and Policies DPD

From 10 May 2013 the proposed submission documents and the statement of representation procedure will be available:

  • To view and download from the council’s website at
  • For inspection during normal opening hours at: Harrogate Borough Council Offices, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate, HG1 2SG

In addition the proposed Sites and Policies DPD and policies maps will be available, during normal opening hours at:

  • Knaresborough Town Council, Knaresborough House, Knaresborough
  • Ripon City Council, Ripon Town Hall, Ripon
  • Libraries throughout the district, including the mobile library


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