North Yorkshire celebrates A-level success

15 August 2013

North Yorkshire’s A level students have achieved high levels of success in their results this year, maintaining the very high standards of previous years across the county.

Early figures show schools recording outstanding A-level scores. Results in so far reveal improvements for schools across the county and an improvement in the average point score per entry for the third successive year.

North Yorkshire has consistently been in the top ten per cent of authorities nationally for A-level success in past years and early indications suggest we have maintained that performance.

While the full county-wide picture will not be known immediately, it is clear already that North Yorkshire has a good deal to celebrate with many students gaining places at their first choice university.

County Councillor Arthur Barker, North Yorkshire’s Executive Member for Schools said:

There is a great deal in these achievements to be proud of and once again we are looking at the highest standards across the board with another outstanding set of results. This is a tribute to the application and hard work of students and to the dedication of school staff and the quality of teaching in North Yorkshire. Staff members give their all to ensure our young people have the very best start for the next phase of their lives.

These very high standards mean that the nation’s most prestigious universities are open to the county’s students across a wide range of subjects. They also provide increased opportunities for those young people entering vocational courses, training and employment. We congratulate them and wish them all well in their future lives.

For the small number of students who have missed the mark, the county’s schools have put in place robust systems of support to help such students gain alternative places through the university clearing system, or to help them look for alternative paths into work or training.

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