10 Ways to Prevent or Slow Down Hair Loss

18 October 2020

Male pattern baldness is an issue that will affect most men around the world at some point in their lives. It is typically a genetic issue and the truth is that more men are affected by it than those who are not; in fact, only 5% of men around the world will not deal with any hair loss. However, the good news is that if you act quickly, there are many things that you can to prevent or slow down hair loss. What to do will depend on the reason why you are losing your hair.

Speak to Your Doctor

If you’ve noticed persistent hair loss, then it’s worth visiting your doctor. This is because hair loss can often be caused by a range of underlying health conditions such as chronic stress, scalp infections, thyroid issues, or androgenic alopecia. Before starting any treatments for hair loss, it’s worth determining whether or not it is caused by an underlying problem that will need to be treated at its core for your hair loss symptoms to improve.

Hair Loss Pills

If you have noticed some signs of hair loss, you might be able to slow this down and even promote new growth using a pill known as Propecia or finasteride. You take this pill daily and it is clinically proven to treat male pattern baldness with a success rate of 90%. This medication works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair follicles to shrink by blocking them from absorbing nutrients. Lower levels of DHT means that the hair follicles are not attacked, which can slow and even reverse hair loss. You can get Propecia tablets online at Chemist Click. Chemist Click also sells a wide range of further products to help reverse the effects of hair loss, including minoxidil or Regaine foam.

Change Your Diet

Your diet has a bigger impact on your hair than you might realise. But the good news is that changing the way that you eat could help you prevent losing your hair. In 2018, a study found that a diet that is rich in herbs and fresh veggies may be able to help prevent male pattern baldness or slow down its onset. A diet that is rich in protein may also help to prevent hair loss since hair follicles are made mostly of a protein known as keratin. Adding more lean meat, beans and peas, fish, nuts, and eggs to your diet could help.

Get More Vitamins

If you’re not getting the right vitamins in your diet, your hair might suffer as a result. Vitamin A in particular is an important supplement to take. This vitamin is composed partly of retinoids, which have been shown to help increase the hair growth rate. It may also help to improve sebum production which keeps the scalp healthier and enables it to retain more hair. Taking a daily multivitamin supplement containing vitamins A, B, C, D, iron, and zinc is a wise idea since these are all crucial to the process of hair growth and retention. And, add more vitamin A-rich foods to your diets such as sweet peppers, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Hair Care Routine

Keeping the scalp healthy and clean may protect against hair loss, so consider washing your hair daily with a mild shampoo. It’s important to pick a mild formula since harsher shampoos may dry the hair out and cause it to break which will have the opposite to the desired effect. If you have already noticed some signs of hair loss and would like to slow the process down, try a specifically designed foam like Regaine. This hair product uses the active ingredient minoxidil and works by increasing the blood flow to the follicles to stimulate hair growth.

Deep Conditioning

Deep conditioning your hair with natural oils may work to prevent damage to their hair and help you avoid hair loss. Coconut oil is a popular choice; a 2018 review found that this natural oil may be able to prevent hair damage from the sun or from grooming treatments. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which helps to bind the protein in the hair and protect it from breakage both at the root and strand. You might find that massaging coconut oil into your scalp helps with regrowth by promoting better blood flow. You can also use olive oil to deep condition your hair to prevent it from dryness and breakage.

Laser Therapy

The laser is not only effective for hair removal, but certain types of this treatment might also be effective for improving hair density for people who are suffering from genetic hair loss or hair loss due to chemotherapy treatments. Also known as red light therapy, it works by stimulating epidermal stem cells and you can get devices that are available to use at home. Bear in mind that this is not a quick fix and you may need to have several treatments before you start seeing results.


Not all hair loss is genetic. In fact, some hair loss can be caused by chronic stress, which can seriously wreak havoc on your body. If you have started to notice that you are losing your hair and you have been particularly stressed recently, it may be down to this. Taking steps to destress your life by working towards improving your work-life balance, seeing a therapist to talk through your problems and learn some healthier coping mechanisms, trying meditation and mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and inviting some more relaxing activities into your life can all help to reduce your stress levels which will have a positive impact on your hair and on other aspects of your health.


Some studies suggest that a scalp massage might be effective in stimulating the follicles and improving hair growth when done regularly. If you needed an excuse to go for more regular massages, this is definitely a good one! One small study conducted in 2016 showed that participants saw positive results when they had just four minutes of scalp massage per day over a 24-week period.

Essential Oils

According to a study conducted in 1998, some essential oils might be effective in reducing hair loss. The study divided 85 people with alopecia into two different groups. One group treated their scalp with a combination of cedarwood, rosemary and lavender essential oils for a seven-month period. After this time had passed, over 40% of the group had shown some improvement in hair growth. Some other essential oils that may be effective for hair growth include lemongrass and peppermint. Mix a couple of drops with a carrier oil like grapeseed or jojoba oil and apply to your scalp for ten minutes.

Your hair goes through a natural lifecycle including growth and shedding and some hair loss is common for everybody, with most of us losing around one hundred hairs a day. However, more sudden or extreme hair loss in patches or overall thinning could warrant a visit to the doctor or a hair loss treatment. Some hair loss is genetic and will need a specific treatment while other types of hair loss will respond well to changes in your diet or lifestyle.

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