Harlow Carr
Harlow Carr

Volunteer Tour Guides Needed at Harlow Carr

7 February 2019

The Friends of Harlow Carr in Harrogate are on the lookout for volunteers interested in delivering garden tours around Harrogate’s RHS Garden Harlow Carr.

The group – which raises vital funds to help develop and improve the garden – is keen to hear from any willing volunteers to deliver hour-long garden tours to group visitors. The tours feature a walk and talk around the garden, pointing out garden highlights and providing a potted history of the garden from its early days in the 1950s to the present day. All tours are arranged in advance and guides are booked depending on their availability.

Volunteer coordinator and experienced tour guide Angela Henson said: “Guides don’t need to be horticulturally qualified, although some basic gardening knowledge would be helpful. It’s more about a willingness to share their passion for Harlow Carr and their love of the garden with others, and feeling comfortable speaking in front of a group of up to 20 people. It’s really satisfying to chat to people about the garden and hear their own stories about gardening and the great outdoors.”

To find out more, contact Angela Henson on angelaandrogerh@gmail.com before Friday 1 March 2019.

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