The Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Frost, formerly Bishop Suffragan of Southampton, was today installed as the 76th Dean of York at a service of Choral Evensong at York Minster. The new Dean of York succeeds the Very Reverend Dr Vivienne Faull who was consecrated Bishop of Bristol in July 2018.
In the first of three ceremonies today, the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, collated and licensed Jonathan for his ministry as Dean.
The second ceremony took place in the Chapter House. In an ancient ritual dating back to the Middle Ages, Jonathan was admitted as a member of Chapter, the Minster’s governing body. Letters Patent from Her Majesty the Queen were read and oaths were sworn on the 1000 year-old York Gospels.
Jonathan was formally received into the Chapter of York by the Canon-in-Residence, The Revd Canon Michael Smith, Canon Pastor. He was then placed in his seat by The Revd Canon Peter Moger, Acting Dean of York, at which point Jonathan officially became Dean of York.
The final ceremony took place at the end of a procession into Evensong when Jonathan was placed in his stall in the Minster’s Quire. Jonathan then emerged from the Quire into the Minster’s Nave where he was formally presented to the congregation as Dean of York.
Jonathan’s daughter Hannah read one of the bible passages. Representatives from the City of York, the County of North Yorkshire, the Church of England’s Northern Province and members of the Minster’s community and staff also took part in the service.
Following the sermon by the Archbishop of York, prayers were read by students from four local schools: the Minster School; Archbishop Holgate’s School; Manor Church of England Academy and St Peter’s School.
Commenting on his new role, Dean Jonathan said:
I am honoured to have been called to serve in this beautiful place. I have received a very warm and generous welcome and I look forward to serving the community, the city and the wider diocese of York.
Biographical details
The Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Frost, Dean of York
Jonathan comes to York Minster and Yorkshire from the Diocese of Winchester, where he served as Suffragan Bishop of Southampton from 2010-2019. He also served as an Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Portsmouth.
Jonathan represented the Suffragan Bishops of the Province of Canterbury at General Synod. He is a Trustee of USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel). Prior to his Southampton years, Jonathan was Anglican Chaplain at the University of Surrey, Residentiary Canon at Guildford Cathedral and the Bishop of Guildford’s Adviser for Inter-faith Relations. He previously served as a parish priest in Ash and in Nottingham where he was also police chaplain.
In the Diocese of Winchester, Jonathan focused on prayer and growing disciples, building strong community relations and engagement with young people. He was Chair of the Joint Portsmouth and Winchester Diocesan Board of Education overseeing the work of 160 schools. For the last eight years, Jonathan led an Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Taizé community in Burgundy, France.
Jonathan co-founded Love Southampton, an initiative which involved churches partnering with Southampton City Council on a number of projects for the common good.
Jonathan is a graduate of the Universities of Aberdeen, Nottingham and Surrey. In April 2012 he was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of the University, by the University of Surrey for his work in promoting cohesive campus relations and religious literacy in universities.
Jonathan is married to Christine and they have three grown-up children, Hannah, Ben and Jake.
For Jonathan, Fulham Football Club and Test cricket are passions that endure. Sea swimming, walking and time spent with family and friend are, for him, intimations of heaven.