Residents of Green Hammerton hand delivered 82 objections against an application to build 80 houses on prime agricultural land to Harrogate Borough Council’s offices today, which in addition to the 190 objections already received makes a total of 272* lodged complaints about the proposed site.
Loxley Homes revised their original application to build on a green field site on the edge of the village with residents arguing that it will make a significant negative impact on the landscape on the approach to the village. Other grounds for objection were that the field is top grade agricultural land that grows crops, that there is inadequate infrastructure to support that many houses, it would create too many additional cars through a small village and onto the already very busy A59 and that there are poor transport links and no local jobs for potential new residents.
York YO26, UK
There has been an outcry by villagers to this application which has been described as an ‘inappropriate and opportunistic’ attempt by the house builders to build on a green field site, especially when there are brown field sites that are more suitable for development.

This latest application is in addition to the potential 3000 new house settlement nearby that HBC included in the draft Local Plan, despite widespread opposition; villagers are campaigning against it as it goes before the Independent Planning Inspectorate.