
Woodland damaged near Pateley Bridge

An area of woodland neat to Pateley Bridge has been damaged.

It occurred between 11pm on Sunday 25 May and 11am on Monday 26 May 2014, at Fish Pond Woods, Peat Lane, Bewerley.

At least one vehicle was driven into the woods, which are not open to the public, damaging grassed areas and trees. Due to the amount of damage caused, it is believed one of the vehicles was a tractor.

The vehicle which caused the damage may also have been damaged as officers recovered pieces of broken mirror at the scene.

PC Gary Anderson, of Pateley Bridge Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: If you have any information which could help to identify those responsible for this damage I urge you to contact the police straight away.

I am also keen to speak to anyone who works in a vehicle repair shop, who has been asked to replace broken wing mirrors, and ask them to get in touch.

Anyone who can assist with this investigation should contact Pateley Bridge police on 101, select option 2 and ask for Gary Anderson.

Alternatively, information can be emailed to gary.anderson@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting reference number 12140085171.

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