Roll up for a fresh start

8 January 2013

ReadingNew Year, new pastime or chance for new training – the adult learning and skills service at North Yorkshire County Council has issued a new prospectus this week, with over 700 part time courses on offer.

What’s more the county council has frozen course fees for the second year in a row to help make learning affordable for everyone.

Popular courses include embroidery and sewing, jewellery making, cookery – including sugar craft and cake decorating, zumba and yoga. People looking to gain professional qualifications can also apply for accredited courses in business administration, bookkeeping and finance, computers, digital media design, health and social care, childcare and teacher training. All courses take place in local community venues across the county.

Reduced fees and free courses are available for learners on benefits who are actively seeking work. Learners over 60 can also apply for reduced fees on some health and leisure courses. To find out more contact your local office (see details below).

The new prospectus is colour-coded to represent the different subject areas including art, craft and design, complementary therapies, computers, creative writing, digital photography, fitness and well being, GCSE English and maths, hospitality and catering, languages, music, teacher education and training and woodwork.

From January people can book online for courses whenever they want, as part of an initiative by the county council to make the booking process faster and easier. Some courses fill up quickly, so booking online means a place is secured at the click of a mouse. The area offices are also organising enrolment and information sessions to support people who don’t have access to a computer or who need extra help or information. (See details below)

County Councillor Arthur Barker, North Yorkshire’s Executive Member for Adult Learning said:

We all take stock at this time of year and starting a new activity, continuing with an old one or learning new skills is an excellent way of making a fresh beginning and developing our interests further. What’s more the county council’s adult learning and skills service has frozen fees again in an attempt to keep courses affordable. So we urge people to dip into the prospectus to see the many and varied courses on offer.

For a full list of courses in your area, information about taster classes, course information sheets and to enrol and pay online visit

Online booking isn’t available for all courses, for example any course which is free. Contact the local area office for details of enrolment events and to request your copy of the prospectus.

Adult learning area offices

Craven: 0845 300 2414

Hambleton: 01609 533900

Harrogate: 0845 300 2412

Richmondshire: 0845 873 6585

Ryedale: 0845 300 6681

Scarborough: 0845 034 9579

Selby: 0845 300 6686


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