Transport for the North's Rail and Roads Director - Darren Oldham
Transport for the North's Rail and Roads Director - Darren Oldham

New directors appointed at Transport for the North

25 November 2022

Transport for the North (TfN), the region’s statutory transport body, which speaks with one voice on behalf of the North’s civic and business leaders on transport investment, has announced a new Rail and Roads Director – Darren Oldham. He will also be coming in as the deputy CEO of the organisation.

Darren has over 30 years of experience in planning, regeneration and transport sectors and is a qualified Chartered Transport Planner. He will join TfN from WSP where he is an Executive Director, having also held the roles of Head of Planning and Head of Transport Planning for the organisation.

Last week two other directors were appointed:

  • Strategy, Policy and Communications Director – Katie Day
  • Finance Director – Paul Kelly.

Following agreement from the TfN Board, the new Finance Director will formally take up his role on 14 December; and both the new Rail Director and Strategy Director should be in place by February 2023.

Darren Oldham said:

It is a privilege to be appointed to this crucial role for the North. The region’s road and rail network is facing huge challenges, and I look forward to working with the North’s leaders to drive real change in the region.


Lord McLoughlin, Chair of Transport for the North, said:

These are crucial leadership roles for the North of England, and I am more than confident that they will rise to the challenge. All of them have extensive professional experience coupled with the drive to make move TfN forward at a challenging time for our region and the transport sector.

Martin Tugwell, CEO of Transport for the North, said:

I am delighted at these appointments. They’ll work with our Board to respond to the immediate challenges and opportunities facing the North. They’ll add to what is an already strong team and help continue the great work TfN has consistently delivered since it was established.


Cllr Louise Gittins, Vice Chair of Transport for the North, said:

They all have impressive records of working in transport and working very closely with elected and business leaders to bring about real change. I know I speak for all Members of TfN in looking forward to working with them in taking TfN onwards.

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