Harrogate & District Soroptimists were delighted to welcome the Yorkshire Grant of Friendship guest Professor Natalia Kurhaluk, Professor of Biology and Physiology at the Akademia Pomorska in Slupsk and a member of Soroptimist International of Slupsk.
Natalia had already visited a number of Clubs across Yorkshire and was a guest speaker at the Soroptimist International of Yorkshire’s Conference.
The Soroptimist International Yorkshire Region’s Grant of Friendship is offered on a biannual basis and is open to any Soroptimist in the world to apply who would like to visit the UK and has not been here before. The successful applicant is hosted by different clubs throughout the Yorkshire Region over a three week period.
During her stay Natalia met a number of our members and found out about our Club’s projects and activities, whilst enjoying Yorkshire hospitality taking afternoon tea with members, overlooking the beautiful Nidd Gorge. There was also the opportunity to visit RHS Harlow Carr which was much appreciated as Natalia is a keen gardener as well as a cell biologist. Before she left us, there was chance to have a whistle stop tour around Harrogate.
Meeting Natalia gave us an opportunity to find out more about Poland and Soroptimist International in Poland. She was a delightful lady to entertain. We had a very social two days before Natalia left us to spend the final two days of her visit with Soroptimist International of Bingley.