Knitted bible seen by 700 local school children

Bilton Area Methodist Church in Harrogate hosted a successful exhibition called the ‘Knitted Bible’.

The exhibition was open to the local schools and community. The stories of the bible were all knitted and put together in a fascinating display which the children could interact with. The 30 colourful scenes from Old and New Testament each had 10 inch knitted characters. These included different Bible stories from the creation story to the life of Jesus.


Five schools from the local community visited the exhibition. 700+ children visited the ‘Knitted Bible’ during the two weeks.

I liked the Noah and his wife and their ark and animals. I loved it very much and I want to live there and play with the knitted bible School pupil aged 6


I really liked coming to your church. I would like to come again and listen to more stories’ – school pupil aged 7

Some of the parents explained that their children wouldn’t stop talking about it at home.


The ‘knitted bible’ helped the children to know more about the stories on a level they understand. ‘As a church we have very strong links with our local schools through doing assemblies and helping with RE days. Some of the children attend our summer club, messy church, and Sunday Club because of the strong relationships we have built with the schools. Our hope is children will know more about the bible stories in a fun and exiting way. By doing this we hope children & families will know what Bilton Area Methodist can offer to the local community.’ – Matthew Lunn (Children & Families Worker)

The ‘knitted bible’ was open to the community on Friday and Saturday which included with refreshments, cakes, and soup. Bilton Area Methodist raised £400 towards the church development fund.

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